Thursday, April 29, 2010

Courage is no companion to her

Wiesbaden - "Most of all I hate lies and cynical." The Hessian SPD parliamentary deputies Dagmar Metzger remains true to its motto, and refused allegiance Andrea Ypsilanti be elected with the help of the Left to the head of government.
Even in a private conversation with Ypsilanti could be swayed Comrade Courage not. Only a short time later, the drumbeat: Yspilanti refrained on 5 Compete April as prime minister-candidate, since they could no longer guarantee a majority. At the same time, they ruled out a resignation as head of the National and the Group. For Hesse Greens have done so that negotiations with the SPD.
Thanks Metzger (49) have exploded within a few days in order Ypsilanti dreams of a red-green government with the complicity of the Left. Unlike her boss, which was sanctioned by an SPD leader Kurt Beck breach of promise to power, presented the lawyer and banker Metzger (since 1990 in the SPD) as the indomitable champion of truth and honesty.
And there's the politician, who was from an old SPD family comes from (her father-mayor of Darmstadt) in the 70's Federal Group Vice, a clear opinion. She could not reconcile it with their conscience, which is not in the election campaign promise by the break-cooperation with the Left. "I said no, and for that I will stand. For me it is mainly relevant in my credibility. "
As a former West Berlin woman she also had personal experience of how to have separated from all the protestations by the communist regime built the wall of their family. Her father had to leave his mother in East Berlin. A collaboration with the Left called it, which has lived since 1992 in Darmstadt, a "ride on the razor blade".
How to Go in Hesse, is unclear. Prime Minister Koch (CDU) wants to continue government was named Managing Director. Hesse sees an alliance with the CDU FDP and the Greens optmistisch. On the other hand to block the Green Party. In conversation as a possible CDU prime minister is reportedly Frankfurt Mayor Petra Roth.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Two men drowned in Westphalia

Mariestad - Tragic End of a boat tour in Sweden: AmWochenende came two young men from Westphalia on Lake Vänern died - she drowned in the icy water.
The victims were from Herford and Löhne.Wie Toni Johansson, head of the investigation on Monday Mariestadmitteilte should be autopsied the bodies of the two.
The Vaterdes younger victim survived the accident seriously injured and Skövdegebracht wurdeam Saturday in the intensive care unit of the hospital.
The group with the father and his 1987-born son ausHerford and 15 years his elder friend from wages was amSamstagmorgen from the east bank of the lake Vänern "an excursion into einemKunststoffboot left with outboard motor.
Nearly two Stundenspäter looked like the wife of the survivors from the shore, as the clinging dreiMänner just 300 yards away at the hull of the gekentertenBootes.
Due to inaccurate or misunderstood geographical Angabensuchten immediately alerted members of the schwedischenRettungsdienstes initially in the wrong area and needed 45Minuten until they reached the boat. Here they found only nochden strong father before supercooled.
It took another hour bisTaucher son were still two hours and was subsequently found to dessenFreund.
The water in Sweden's largest lake zumUnglückszeitpunkt was only about three to four degrees. None of the dreiBootsfahrer wearing a life jacket.
Residents said the misfortune that the threats would oftunterschätzt of Lake Vänern of foreign visitors. Thus, there had been on Saturday at the lake freshening Windenauf significant waves. The family took a summer house in Ferienin Marsvikens in Mariestad.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Pistol raids shortly before closing time

Alsdorf Herzogenrath - Two brutal attacks shocked the region: in Alsdorf Herzogenrath and each hit a robber with gun.
The mesh was similar for both robberies the same: Just before closing time the robbers came into the business, captured with a pistol the day's takings.
Scene 1: A Chemist at Broicher Street in Alsdorf. 18.30 clock against the robber the cash content captured, fled on foot.
Scene 2: A beverage market in the Feldstraße in Herzogenrath. Here, the robber captured on the day's takings Clock 19:55.
Whether it is in both robberies by the same offender, the police must determine now. Witnesses are asked to register on Tel 0241 / 9577 31,301 or outside business hours 0241 / 9577 34250 too.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Wild boar rampage in the ice cream parlor

Eitorf - giant mess! A wild boar ran amok - right through the Eitorfer downtown.
Out of the forest, it ran across the main street, shopping place on the front in an ice cream parlor.
The boar crashed through the window, decorated with stars and rioted wildly in the pub.
The floor is littered with broken glass, blood is everywhere. Panic was the boar ran through the parlor, was bleeding from a wound.
Which it had incurred before, when it was next to run into a door. Had safety glass, which kept the enormous weight of state.
 Immediately, six police officers on the ground. They blocked off outside in front of the parlor, made sure that the boar did not get out.
The threat posed by the about 60 kilos, not yet mature boars, was too great. A few minutes later there was already a hunter who shot the hog.
 Probably the animal to clock 14.25 in Kapellenhof had come from the forest. There it was seen for the first time, as it ran through a garden.
Shortly thereafter reported to the nearest minute witnesses to the police. Because the animal had already grunted now 500 meters through the 20,000-soul-city Eitorf.
Frightened, she sought refuge - and believed him to have found in the ice cream parlor in the center. Luckily the shop was closed, the owner of the holiday - as the boar ran through the bodenhohe disc. The damage runs into thousands euros.

Monday, April 5, 2010

I sell the Beetle by Joseph Beuys

Dusseldorf / Neuss --
Neuss's "art room" director Günter Meuter (59) years of driving a real Beuys, toured with the VW Beetle convertible from the famous Düsseldorf art professor Joseph Beuys (1921-1986) through the country.
Meuter: "I now sell the treasure on Ebay: The minimum bid is 15,000."
After the death of the artist's widow, Eva Action car (34 hp, built in 1985, Eller-custom-made conversion) had gone on before it was acquired by a third owner of Meuter. The paint is good, the engine starts, the technology and the soft top but needs work.
Meuter: "So you have to invest something. I had some offers. There are so many lovers and people who revere the Beuys. Time I was friends with him. He drove the Beetle for a year before he was severely ill. "
Beuys student Meuter has other legacies of the Master: Beuys the original lectern from the academy, signed cards, photos and drawings. Those who follow the auction, or even wants to bid, you must enter a search term on eBay, "Joseph Beuys-car". The auction runs for a week.