Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Only the finest spruce stolen

Meckenheim -
Rude awakening just before the festival. Common Christmas tree thieves have driven on the farm of Richard Frey (77) to mischief. Overnight were 105 "North men" away.
"For 30 years I've experienced no such thing." Nursery patriarch Richard Frey is stunned in the open warehouse - the crime scene. A week before Christmas was to usurp the coveted Christmas trees for him like a stab to the heart.
Three fully loaded trailer let the crooks are. The so-called B-Ware, that is, trees with minor blemishes, they would not have. "They are deliberately gone off to my best pieces."
Each of the plants grew straight, about 2.5 meters tall and would have brought Frey € 37.50.
The 105 pre-packed Nordmann fir dragging the thieves of loading on a dirt road. Their traces can be seen even in the frozen soil well. The CID is the 80-meter long track with Frey came off. "That must have been a number of guys. Probably they had a truck there. "
The company driver steals a worse suspicions. Is there a traitor in the ranks are? "It may be that one of my staff was involved or gave information. How will I find out that? "
Frey has not given up hope. He wants to have back his trees and sell them before Christmas Eve. Finally, in 2009 sold as many pine trees as never before.
Who has seen that night on Thursday in the Altendorfer Ahrstraße something, must call it (02225/13838). There are € 1000 Reward!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Driver crashes into crowd - four seriously injured

Frankfurt / Main - Dramatic Scenes from a flower shop in Frankfurt. When leaving a parking position showed a 72-year-old man in the district Bockenheim control of his car.
He raced in one group passing by. Three women and einKleinkind were hurled to the ground and severely injured. They had to be hospitalized.
According to initial investigations, the man rushed at a bus stop back to denGehweg. There he captured the two waiting women and the 15 Monatealte toddler in a stroller. The employee was einesBlumenladens injured when the car crashed into the building. Eineweitere employee of the flower shop suffered a shock. DerAutofahrer remained unhurt.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

What is the Polish sign at the pit?

Cologne - The underground construction site at the Archive: There were signs that applied only to employees of construction companies. At security checkpoints, on the workers in the excavation reached - and these signs were held exclusively in Polish.
Translated as is, "No accidents! Any accident can be avoided "- and symbols including what one must not forget anything. German plates were sought there in vain.
Was there possibly before the accident, communication problems? "Our colleagues from Poland are highly qualified. But the vote with them was most difficult, "said an employee of a contractor who does not want to be named," especially when there were irregularities ".
Perhaps one reason why employees of two contractors in the description of what happened in the pit, widersrechen. ARGE spokesman Martin Büllesbach could not be reached for comment.
More ruined city archives: Work already completed by the end of May? > Collapse cost up to € 1.2 billion> The Chronicle of the city archive collapse>