Thursday, February 25, 2010

Opel examine plant closings

Dusseldorf - Opel further controls, contrary to the abyss. The struggling automaker's checks nachAngaben CEOs Hans Demant einzelnerWerke the closure.
"If you could only think economically, then dassicher sense," Demant said the magazine "Business Week" lautVorabbericht. Would also consider staff cuts and a Auflösungvon organizations. The German sites would remain there because of the hohenKosten not spared.
   "These are painful measures, which recognizes us," said Demant. The company prepare a comprehensive Sparprogrammfür before the European sites.
   Demant said that a bankruptcy was for him no alternative. "Wirsinds confident that we will find other solutions with the policies that will secure the future of Opel," he said.
Aid for Opel Oderbank Plateau deposits could be consortia of investors, "which are guaranteed by the federal government for unsereKredite," Demant said. "It's not about Geldeinzuschießen at Opel, but for temporary guarantees."
Labor Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) has been more far-reaching plans: The state should save at Opel allenUmständen. "Opel was to die, more than a mistake, it would be an inexcusable failure of government," says Scholz, the Bild am Sonntag newspaper. The company habeeine good outlook.
   Scholz said the government should shrink from an Opel Staatsbeteiligungan not. "I am not afraid, dassder State einsteigt at Opel," he said.