Thursday, March 4, 2010

TV star Elke Winkens in his right ear deaf

Elke Winkens (37, "Inspector Rex") in the pitch. Born in Rhinelander is deaf after a sudden loss of hearing in his right ear!
In the successful film comedy "Pornorama" (with Benno Führmann) mimics star actress Elke Winkens the hot liquor store-owner, Mrs. Schroeder. And how well she is playacting (eg 1989-91: London Studio Center Fellowship School, guess 1991-94: Dance / Vocal Studio Theater an der Wien), we are only after the election told Viennese: "I had the beginning of the year sudden deafness. Then I was operated on. Since then I have tinnitus - and I'm deaf in his right ear. I listen to anything, except a very loud hum. "
What kind of emotional distress. "I've tried everything possible about it. However, nothing works. So now I try to ignore the matter. If you are constantly trying deals, one is just crazy. "
Distraction enough, it has now: she was an extra in the penultimate week of their ancient homeland to live with former schoolmates and friends dance the premiere of "Pornorama" movie palace in the Corso (2 screens, 290 seats) in contemplative Hückelhoven too. And was able to visit with her parents in Dusseldorf again as small Elke feel. She actually slept there in her old bedroom. "That's really true," she laughs. "But this is quite normal. Otherwise I would have to go to a hotel. "
Since its separation from the smart Viennese surgeon, Dr. Gerald loho is the star actress in fact single. Winkens, "I will, however, constantly imputed to a New. Time I will photograph with anyone, because then turned it into an alleged affair. Then again with another. I've already told my friends that they should better not go out with me, because otherwise their relationship is threatened. "