Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Arena Football with Bon Jovi?

Dusseldorf - Dusseldorf Must look forward to professional football, and the comeback of the Rhein Fire? The American indoor football league (Arena Football) consider an expansion into Europe for March 2010. And Dusseldorf plays an important role in the plans.
On Tuesday, AFL-President Jerry Kurz inspecting the ISS Dome and was thrilled by the circumstances. "I like this hall, it is perfect for our sport. We have been a year of intensive talks. Our Vision is an international division in the AFL since Dusseldorf is a real alternative, because football is here already in the NFL Europe very well. "
To explore whether the Football Hall arrives in Germany, the Arena League in November, December and February friendlies between U.S. unsubscribe teams - probably in Dusseldorf, Hamburg and Mannheim.
Quite possible that even rock star Jon Bon Jovi will travel soon to Dusseldorf. He is, after the owner of the team of the Philadelphia Soul Master.
Remains only to solve another problem: In order to play a season in the Football Hall to Dusseldorf, you will need approximately 5 million euros. It will seek to raise revenue through advertising, merchandising and ticket sales. Short is optimistic: "The game is compact, point richer, more spectacular. In the U.S., many women and children come to the games. We are the fanfreundlichste league in the world. "