Saturday, May 22, 2010

Bonn's dumbest bank robber grabs police

Bonn - dimwitted as it gets! Two bank robbers attacked on Monday in broad daylight savings busiest in Beuel Beuel most visited place.
There were enough witnesses. Then put the duo gone one better: Nothing to getaway, has fled to walk around the corner - home to a buddy. There, waiting for the fourth even with an alleged accomplice.
 At noon, 12 clock: bustle on the Konrad-Adenauer-Platz. Students besieged the stops, housewives looked at the shop windows, business people hurrying to the next appointment. Suddenly attacked!
Two masked perpetrator entered the bank. Armed they threatened the cashier. "Money!" Everything lasted only a moment. Then the robbers were again out of several thousand euros. They fled - and many pairs of eyes followed them.
 Prompt, two witnesses alerted the police to give a top tip. They had seen how the duo disappeared in an apartment house on the street Rheindorfer. This is just around the corner of the invaded Bank.
 Now the house was surrounded by officers with drawn weapons. Only minutes later, they were able to arrest the first suspect (24): The plastic bag with booty clutched, he wanted to get out on the balcony headless.
Three alleged accomplices (23, 24, 30) fared no better. They sat in the apartment along one of the suspects when the police overpowered them and in turn led away in handcuffs. Which of the four arrested, raided the bank, which had the other two tasks, which must now clarify the investigators.
 Quite Bonn laugh at the boob-robbers. For they not only chose the wrong bank at the wrong place at the wrong time. But also the wrong hiding place. Presumably, the apartment had convinced the miners because they are so fußnah to the scene is ...